StorageTek looks to meld SANs, NAS

StorageTek next year hopes to combine the best of two storage concepts, network-attached storage (NAS) and storage area networks (SANs), to provide an open, high-speed product to handle ever-increasing data volumes, said company President, Chairman, and CEO David Weiss.

In a keynote speech at the Enterprise Management Summit here, Weiss said the plan is to attach clients to an NAS system via a SAN, and manage the system through a SAN device.

Calling the plan StorageTek's "SNASie," Weiss said the concept would provide an open, scalable system that is cost-effective. The thin-client functions and speed of NAS would be melded with the strength of management afforded by SANs, he said.

Weiss noted that administrators these days must deal with exponential growths in data from multiple sources.

"What we're trying to accomplish is a way to make some sense out of the oceans of data," Weiss said.

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