3Com boosts policy-based management system

3Com last week presented Transcend Network Control Services, Version 1.1 for Windows NT, a suite of policy-based management applications for the company's systems.

Functioning with both cell- and packet-based networks, the Web-based system can configure and manage multidomain virtual LANs (VLANs), based on the LAN Emulation (LANE) and 802.1Q standards, according to 3Com.

Logical constructs are overlaid onto a physical network topology map to simplify management of VLAN policies and backbone utilisation across an enterprise.

Automatic configuration tools and LAN security policy enforcement capabilities are also included.

Secure mobile connectivity to the network is ensured with the package. Additionally, the product can be wireless enabled through support of 3Com's AirConnect Wireless LAN offerings.

The package runs on top of Hewlett-Packard's OpenView Network Node Manager 6.0, or will work in a stand-alone mode.

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