MSPs SevenSpace and Nuclio join forces

Management services provider pioneers SevenSpace Inc. and Nuclio Inc. Tuesday announced they will merge to offer existing and potential customers a broader range of remote management services.

The combined company, SevenSpace/Nuclio, will offer SevenSpace's application management services together with the network, systems and server administration management capabilities Nuclio provides.

SevenSpace CEO Peter Weber will serve as CEO of the joint company.

"This move is about two leading companies combining to become stronger," Weber says. "Now we have operations presence across the country and can touch customers in any area."

With the merger, SevenSpace/Nuclio will maintain offices in their respective Chantilly, Va., and Oakbrook Terrace, Ill., locations. SevenSpace's acquisition of MSP StrataSource, completed in September 2001, gives the company a presence in Irvine, Calif., as well.

Not only will the combined company gain in territory across the country, SevenSpace/Nuclio will also boast about 150 enterprise customers and access to about 2,500 more through a co-marketing and channel agreement with Nuclio parent, Forythe Technology. Forsythe is also contributing about US$50 million in cash funds to the merged MSP.

"We have the flexibility that the larger outsourcers such as EDS and IBM Global services can't offer, and we also have the cash to back our offerings," Weber says. He expects the company to be profitable within the next quarter.

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