Compuware to manage .Net apps

Compuware plans to unveil on February 12 the latest versions of its performance management software suite designed to manage .Net applications. The launch will be made at Microsoft's VS Live Conference taking place in San Francisco next month.

Speaking at ComNet in Washington D.C., this week, Compuware officials said the company has extended its Vantage software suite to support .Net servers, Web servers and database applications. The company has added application profiling and analysis, growth management and troubleshooting capabilities to its Application Vantage, Application Expert, Predictor, Network Vantage and ClientVantage software products.

The Vantage suite monitors application performance across the network by measuring server response times, network latency and bandwidth utilization. The tools are designed to let network managers and application developers determine the amount of bandwidth needed to support a new application rolled out across the network. The software helps users avoid network downtime when an application slows the network.

Application Expert lets users troubleshoot .Net performance before deploying the applications. It also provides detailed response time analysis to help network administrators decide if upgrades will improve performance.

ClientVantage lets users monitor .Net passive and active client applications and isolate service, client or network problems. If performance degrades, the software captures errors for analysis helping users pinpoint the source of performance problems.

Predictor determines .Net applications' effects on WAN and LAN environments. The new WAN provisioning module lets users see how specific links will hold up under varying traffic loads.

With the tools, .Net users can monitor how long it takes for Active Service Pages to download. The software breaks the software down to each transaction so network managers can determine at which point in the entire request the process was slowed down. The new suite also includes support for SOAP payload views, which lets users select an HTTP thread and determine the response time from client to server and vice versa.

ClientVantage, NetworkVantage, ServerVantage, Application Expert and Application Vantage will be made available at the VS Live show in San Francisco on February 12, with pricing beginning at US$25,000, $26,5000, $35,000, $27,500, $20,000 and $35,000, respectively.

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