Facebook now allows one more user name change

Although Facebook first said that the selection of a vanity URL was a permanent choice, the service has since pulled back its hard line a teeny-tiny bit

It's been a month and change since the mad scrable for Facebook vanity URLs this past June. And seemed like an awesome way to gimick the system back then--here's looking at you, www.facebook.com/epicfail--has surely left some users a bit unhappy with their spur-of-the-moment choice.

Although Facebook first said that the selection of a vanity URL was a permanent choice, the service has since pulled back its hard line a teeny-tiny bit. ReadWriteWeb is reporting that all of Facebook's 222,000,000+ users now have the option to make one final change to their vanity URL, be it adding a few extra numbers to the end of your name or switching to a new handle entirely.

All you have to do to edit your vanity URL is log onto Facebook and click the "Settings" button in the upper-right corner. From there, click on the "change" button next to "Username." Select the name that will now become your new vanity URL, click Check Availability, and cross your fingers!

The real question remains: Will users like www.facebook.com/default.aspx and www.facebook.com/alksjfalskjfoiwefalsdlasfaslleseouaiwejndlsknjkdfs, amongst others, take the plunge and convert their funny jokes to more thoughtful user names? And, if so, will there be a second mad land grab for the remannts of these funny URLs? Does anybody really care about vanity URLs anymore, or have the message-board-style jokes by the Internet's www.facebook.com/31337 already jumped the www.facebook.com/shark (still available!)

Fire off a Twitter message to David Murphy @Acererak, as he's stuck with that name until the end of time.

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