Telstra offers Acer laptops with built-in mobile broadband

USB wireless modem not needed

Telstra has added three Acer notebooks with built-in mobile broadband to its Next G device range.

The new notebooks don't require a USB wireless modem or any broadband cabling.

The models available under the deal are two Aspire One 10-inch netbooks (1.1Kg) and the 14-inch Aspire 4810T Timeline (1.9Kg) notebook.

Customers make a monthly payment for the notebook and wireless broadband.

The computers can be bought for $0 upfront on a $39 data plan plus monthly laptop repayments starting from $30.38 per month for 24 months.

The minimum cost is $1665.12 plus usage and prices “may vary” at Telstra-licensed stores, according to the company.

Telstra consumer executive director Glenice Maclellan said the new Acer embedded notebooks are available from 33 Telstra stores.

“Acer embedded laptops offer customers a convenient all-in-one solution, a laptop, embedded with a Next G wireless broadband modem and Wi-Fi,” Maclellan said.

“Telstra worked with Acer to make sure once a customer has purchased an embedded laptop, it was simple and quick to connect to the Internet. They’re able to leave a store with their device set up.”

Telstra product management executive director, Ross Fielding, said all the devices ship with Telstra’s MyPlace application for assistance with set-up and connection and access to Telstra and BigPond services.

“Business customers can easily use the devices to access the T-Suite range of applications, which enables them to connect to software for a fixed monthly fee,” Fielding said.

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