Age no barrier to learning tech skills

Government launches the first Internet kiosks as part of its Broadband for Seniors initiative

New Internet kiosks designed to get senior citizens exploring the World Wide Web have begun rolling out across the country, the first of which are already in action.

Funded by the Federal Government’s $15 million Broadband for Seniors initiative, 42 Internet kiosks are already in operation and hundreds more will open over the coming months.

Families, housing, community services and indigenous affairs minister, Jenny Macklin, told ABC News the seniors using the kiosks will learn from each other.

“We’re setting them up in clubs like senior citizens clubs where people feel relaxed and comfortable,” she said.

The centres will provide free Internet access and training to people over 50, and wil be accessible to those with disabilities and those from culturally diverse backgrounds through the use of specific language software and assistive technology.

NEC Australia, Adult Learning Australia, the Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association and the University of the Third Age Online, along with the Government, are together providing the new service.

The Government plans 2000 Internet kiosks in total, which will be opened over the next three years.

Community organisations who want to be involved can call the Broadband for Seniors hotline on 1300 795 897 or visit this Web site.

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