DBCDE signs ASG for $13m deal

ASX-listed IT services provider gets department of broadband services contract

ASX-listed IT services provider ASG Group (ASX:ASZ) has picked up a three-year $13 million contract with the Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE).

ASG will provide end user support, mid-range infrastructure, voice, network and cross platform services to the department along with managed voice services capability over the duration of the contract, which includes three one-year extension options.

In a statement to the ASX, ASG chief officer sales and strategic operations, Murray Rosa, said the company had secured contracts to the tune of $71 million since the start of the year.

“ASG Group will shortly announce more opportunities of almost double this value,” Rosa said.

In February, ASG picked up a five-year $35 million contract with Western Power and unveiled a new data centre.

Under that deal, ASG will provide mid-range infrastructure, VoIP and network services to the Western Australian electricity utility. Western Power will also be one of the foundation customers at the new ASG data centre facility.

The service provider also recently scooped a $23 million deal with the Department of Education in Western Australia.

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Tags ASG GroupDepartment of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE)managed voice services

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