Take part in Computerworld Australia's 2010 Salary Survey

Computerworld Australia's 2010 Salary Survey

Amidst government workforce reforms, the economic downturn and an influx of IT positions on the market, the question still remains: how are IT workers coping?

In an effort to answer that very question, Computerworld Australia is beginning the Computerworld Australia 2010 Salary Survey.

The survey, aimed at getting the most accurate and up-to-date picture on the Australian market, involves a few quick questions which shouldn't take more than five minutes, in order to gauge how your career and current position has changed over the past year.

We will be running the survey over the next month and hope to get as many responses as possible in order to form a complete and authoritative view on the ICT industry, positions, skill sets and salaries.

(Take the Computerworld Australia 2010 Salary Survey now.)

To celebrate this initiative, we are giving away four $500 vouchers for JB Hi-Fi provided by our sponsor DW People. Just answer the first question in the survey and provide us your email address to go in the running to win one of these vouchers.

(See Competition Terms and Conditions)

The survey will only take up a short amount of your time, and all individual responses as well as email addresses will remain confidential.

Those who partake in the survey will receive an advance copy of the results by mid-June. We will also be publishing them in our next print edition, and will make them available as a tool in the Careers section of our website.

(Take the Computerworld Australia 2010 Salary Survey)

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