Pizza Hut aims for bigger slice of e-commerce

The fast food outlet has upgraded its iPhone app

Fast food franchise Pizza Hut has released an upgraded version of its iPhone mobile app in a move to enhance its online and digital presence.

The company deciding seize the opportunity presented by increased smartphone usage , said Anup Jain, Pizza Hut head of marketing and food innovation, Australia and New Zealand.

“It has become common for consumers to expect brands to have the latest technology so they can order and access the brands anytime, anywhere,” said Jain.

Jain also said another reason for the upgrade was that the original app had major gaps in functionality compared to the Pizza Hut online ordering system.

“We are not 100 per cent there yet due to uncertain limitations on the back-end system, but are very close,” he said. The app is a vast improvement on the original version according to Jain

According to Pizza Hut, downloads of the app download have doubled since the upgrade. The app has been downloaded 300,000 times since it was launched last year.

Some of the features in the new version include a streamlined ordering system, pizza customisation, the ability to save your favourites and set the delivery time, and the augmented reality function — which enables users to find the nearest Pizza Hut store by simply holding up their phones — has been made more prominent.

Pizza Hut rival Domino’s last year launched its mobile app.

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