SA is setting the e-commerce benchmark: AIIA

Strategic plan aims to increase rate of online orders by 16 per cent

The South Australian government has set the standard for e-commerce across the nation with the launch of its new strategic plan, the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) has said.

The plan, which aims to increase the number of businesses that receive online orders from the current rate of 24 per cent to 40 per cent in 2014, makes South Australia an e-commerce leader, the AIIA’s CEO, Suzanne Campbell, said.

“Recognising e-commerce at the highest level of strategic planning in South Australia is an important development in economic positioning,” Campbell said.

“AIIA calls on all Australian governments to adopt this approach to the development of the digital economy.”

Campbell said an increased online presence of South Australian businesses would provide multiple benefits to the state.

“Raising the online presence of businesses is an exemplary way to diversify the economy, maximise competitiveness, grow revenues and increase productivity in South Australia,” she said.

“Online business presence not only opens up new markets locally, within Australia and overseas, it also provides cheaper and more effective advertising as consumers increasingly turn to online services to research their spending.”

The strategic plan also aims to increase the number of South Australians with broadband access by aiming to deliver fibre technology at the national rate by 2020.

The AIIA last month said the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) will enable Australia to become a nation of social entrepreneurs in the digital economy, as the South Australian government recorded a decrease in crime levels thanks to its updated Crime Mapper website.

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Tags e-commerceAIIASouth AustraliaSouth Australian GovernmentAustralian Information Industry Association (AIIA)ecommerceSuzanne Campbell

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