7 ways to do big data right using the cloud

Data as a service, or DaaS, can help businesses anticipate trends and act smarter through analytics -- if you follow these best practices

There's a wealth of data out there companies can use to better understand customers and identify emerging business opportunities and threats. But how to access and work with all that data? An emerging type of service called data as a service, or DaaS, promises to help.

With DaaS, organizations can gain access to information they need on an on-demand basis, much like they acquire applications via software as a service (SaaS) and storage, servers, and networking components through infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Data is stored by the service provider and accessible to users from the Internet.

Experts say that although DaaS is still an emerging concept, it's becoming more relevant as organizations leverage big data -- gathering and analyzing massive amounts of information to help run the business, provide services to customers, identify trends, and open up new market opportunities. InfoWorld has surveyed these experts to uncover the seven best practices IT and business departments together should follow when leveraging DaaS.

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