Response Networks boosts performance management tool

Response Networks has unveiled the latest version of its performance management software, which automatically generates several new reports.

Among the reports featured in version 2.7 of ResponseCenter include availability, failure rate, top 10 best/worst applications, plus performance by month, day or hour. Users can also generate report based on transactions, agents, servers, organizations and locations.

E-business service provider Ideal Technologies, is one company that plans to upgrade to version 2.7 in the next 30 days, mainly for the reporting capabilities. Bob Skinner Ideal Technologies co-founder and executive vice president says ReponseCenter saves his staff time when managing the company's internal network. The company began using the performance management software about a year ago.

"We have a lot of end-user facing applications and this software allows up to get to the heart of why an application isn't performing up to par," Skinner says. Ideal Technologies previously used home-grown applications to try to pinpoint performance problems. Not only does ResponseCenter drill down to where Skinner says his staff can fix application performance problems, it also offers automated reports that would otherwise take hours of manual work compiling that data.

Another feature that Response Networks has added and which Skinner plans to use is the ability to monitor LDAP transactions. Response Networks has also added transaction monitoring capabilities for Microsoft MAPI mail, Secure Sockets Layer and TCP Echo.

ResponseCenter is based on synthetic transactions that can replicate behavior at the network, server and/or application level. The agents are distributed across the network and run simultaneously, simulating transactions. Users also receive a software kit of Response Networks monitoring API, which they can use to customize -- if necessary - to fit in their networks.

The agents feed only the statistically relevant, or only the processed data, back to a main controller that sits in an Oracle SQL database. The controller is responsible for scheduling agent activity, processing results and generating reports. Users access the real-time and historical data and reports through a Web-based graphical user interface. Users can also schedule reports to be automatically sent via e-mail.

ResponseCenter 2.7 is available now and pricing ranges from US$5,000 to $150,000, depending on network configuration.

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