Corporate Express Australia integrates customer service and planning capacity systems

Splunk rollout reduced costs of running the company's IT team, according to senior technology specialist

Corporate Express Australia has moved from a siloed troubleshooting management style to an integrated customer service and capacity planning solution thanks to the rollout of Splunk.

Senior technology specialist at the supply company, Shaun Butler, said the project has enabled the business to streamline its customer support systems.

“Splunk was originally put in as a log aggregation enabler and there wasn’t really anything else on the market at the time [that could do what it does],” Butler said.

“It ingests the data and stores it in files — there are no databases or tables, and what it actually does is assigns structure...and the thing it cares about is time — it attributes everything with time”

Butler said Corporate Express has reduced the running costs of its IT department thanks to the rollout.

“We used Splunk to hone our IT operations,” he said. “It was born out of operations and infrastructure and expanded throughout the IT group so analysts, developers, functional specialists use it to look at their systems.”

With the IT team no longer using manual processes to resolve technical issues at the company, Butler said being able to visualise network traffic has been a real asset to the business.

“We’re able to visually depict network traffic and...not only do things like show raw traffic features but also show meta data and information specific to our business,” he said.

Follow Lisa Banks on Twitter: @CapricaStar

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Tags customer serviceCorporate Expresssplunkaggregate

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