Indiana turns up 100G Ethernet research net

Monon100 will connect Indiana U and Purdue directly

The State of Indiana has launched a 100G Ethernet network for research and education.

The network, called Monon100, is designed to transport petabytes of complex data. It enables Indiana University scientists, medical researchers and students to process and share data created by modern digital instruments, such as DNA sequencers, advanced electron microscopes and large-particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider.

ANOTHER 100G USER: Medical research group skips 40G, makes 'right move' to 100G Ethernet

Monon100 will also interconnect institutions of higher education in Indiana and allow them to collaborate on research, and is named for the Monon Railroad which connected Indiana's higher education institutions in major metropolitan areas to Chicago.

Indiana University and Purdue University Indianapolis will be the first groups of higher education to connect directly to Monon100. The link will be a resource available to all Indiana GigaPoP members, including Purdue, Notre Dame and IU.

Indiana University says the network allows it to move a petabyte of data in one day instead of 10 or 11 days with its previous 10G Ethernet network.

Monon100 is anchored by Brocade MLXe routers. Brocade announced two-port 100G Ethernet interfaces for the MLXe in September 2010.

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