AARNet helps students and staff cut the cable in Qld hospitals

AARNet providing wireless access to online resources from multiple healthcare facilities across the state

Australia’s Academic Research Network (AARNet) has expanded its “eduroam” high speed wireless network in several hospitals across Queensland.

The wireless service enables staff and students at the University of Queensland to gain access to the institution’s online resources from multiple healthcare facilities across the state.

It is the result of a five-year initiative between AARNet, Queensland Health and Queensland universities, under the Queensland Regional Network Organisation.

The service has so far been rolled out at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital, Robina Hospital, Mackay Base Hospital, The Townsville Hospital, and the Skills Development Centre at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital in Herston.

There are plans for future rollouts at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, Royal Children’s Hospital, The Prince Charles Hospital, Gold Coast University Hospital and Queensland’s Children’s Hospital.

Staff and students use their current user name and password to gain access to online resources, including research papers, lecture notes and online libraries. They also have access to international roaming when they are visiting participating universities around the world, AARNet said.

The service runs on the AARNet3 Network, which connects research and education facilities across multiple 10Gbps links.

AARNet is also working with NSW Health and health institutions in Victoria to deploy similar services.

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