NetManage enhances Rumba

NetManage Inc. Monday released an update to its PC-to-host access software that the company says will ease user migrations to Windows 2000.

Rumba 7.0 includes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption and authentication. The company says the SSL support offers more secure access to applications and data transfer between desktops and mainframe or AS/400 hosts.

NetManage embedded software in Rumba 7.0 that enables Web-based technical support, called SupportNow, that was previously available as a separate download from NetManage's Web site. The SupportNow integration can reduce training costs and the time it takes to resolve technical problems.

Version 7.0 marks the first significant upgrade to Rumba since April 1999, a few months before NetManage acquired the Rumba software and brand when it purchased Wall Data in October 1999. Now Rumba accounts for nearly half of the company's revenue.

This version of PC-to-host features a user interface and display that is identical to Rumba Web-to-Host, which the company claims allows for better integration from the Windows-based products to the Web-based products.

Rumba 7.0 is shipping now. Prices start at US$400 per seat, with volume discounts available.

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