Tibco sharpens mobile apps for its Tibbr enterprise social software

The product now runs on the new BlackBerry 10 OS devices

Tibco is revamping and extending the mobile access to its Tibbr enterprise social networking software, adding support for more smartphones and tablets, and upgrading its mobile user interfaces and functionality.

Tibbr, which has iOS, Android and BlackBerry applications, is broadening its support for newer BlackBerry devices -- the Z10 and Q10 smartphones and the Playbook tablets.

It is also overhauling its mobile applications in a variety of ways, such as sharpening their understanding of usage patterns to shorten the number of steps required for users to access information.

The mobile applications will also factor in more data from users' enterprise social connections in order to proactively surface and bring to their attention people, posts, documents, links and other content that Tibbr determines is relevant to them.

In addition, the mobile applications have been re-designed to make it easier for users to shift from viewing information in Tibbr to acting on that information in the appropriate third-party business application, like a CRM suite or an accounting software.

With the Android app upgrade, it'll now be possible to run Tibbr on any and all Android smartphones and tablets.

However, the company isn't yet providing an application for Windows Phone OS smartphones nor for Windows RT and Windows 8 tablets, although those users can access a mobile-optimized version of Tibbr from their Windows devices' browsers.

"It's a BYOD world," said Ram Menon, Tibco's president of social computing. "So our focus is on mobile ubiquity."

Juan Carlos Perez covers enterprise communication/collaboration suites, operating systems, browsers and general technology breaking news for The IDG News Service. Follow Juan on Twitter at @JuanCPerezIDG.

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