Victorian tax agency taps Oracle in refresh

State Revenue Office has deployed Oracle Exadata and Fusion

The State Revenue Office of Victoria (SRO) has chosen Oracle to increase system performance, speed business processes and deliver enhanced online services.

The SRO has deployed Oracle Exadata database machine and Fusion middleware, Oracle said. The Victorian tax collection agency chose Oracle as it continues a regulatory reform effort, including initiatives to streamline tax administration using Internet-based applications.

The SRO chose to host its applications on Oracle Exadata as part of a hardware refresh program designed to improve the SRO’s after-hours availability and reduce batch processing times that sometimes took as long as 24 hours, Oracle said.

Since implementing Exadata, the SRO has reduced processing time by a third, Oracle said. The agency has also seen a 7-times improvement in matching times for business intelligence and 4-times faster backup times, it said.

The Oracle middleware is being used in a separate project to help Victorian citizens access unclaimed funds held by the SRO, Oracle said. The middleware has been used to automate previously manual backend processes.

“We’re extremely happy with what we have been able to achieve so far with Oracle Exadata and Oracle Fusion Middleware,” said Paul Dulfer, CIO of the Victorian SRO.

“Ultimately, our aim is to improve the level of service to both Victorian taxpayers and to the Victorian Government and this deployment is delivering on both fronts.”

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Tags OraclemiddlewarefusionExadatavictoria state revenue officehardware refreshregulatory reformdatabase machine

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