ME recruits exec to head up data analytics

Bank fills last of five technology leadership roles created earlier this year

ME has appointed the former head of enterprise information architecture at ANZ, Annie South, to the position of general manager - data.

South had been at ANZ for close to three years.

The GM data position was created as part of an IT restructure earlier this year, along with four other IT leadership roles covering cyber security, infrastructure and operations, business solutions, and strategy and architecture.

The restructure followed in the wake of a five-year, $90 million rebuild of the bank's technology systems.

South is the first appointment to the GM data role.

"Data is a strategic asset and needs to be given prominence and consideration in its own right rather than being subsumed within other technology functions," ME's chief information officer, Mark Gay, said in a statement today.

"Data analysis has always been in use at ME for the purpose of managing risk, productivity and marketing, but new data sets are emerging and new ways of using existing data sets that can provide valuable advantages to businesses, particularly around customer relationships and behaviour."

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