AARP award program to honor innovation in caregiving

Nominees sought for AARP Innovation Champion Awards

The AARP, a nonprofit organization that advocates for Americans over 50 years of age, has launched its search for nominees for its Innovation Champion Awards to recognize providers of technology-powered products and services that focus on caregivers.

Submissions will be accepted in six categories: daily essential activities; caregiver quality of life; health and safety awareness; care coordination; social well-being; and transition support. AARP judges will select five finalists in each category, then invite the public to select winners. 

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Finalists will receive consulting services, assorted publicity and might be invited to participate in an AARP startup lab. The grand prize winner's take will include a trip for two company representatives to Washington, D.C. to tour AARP's Innovation Lab and a cash prize of $10K.

Entries will be judged on criteria such as whether the offering caters to all age groups, whether the design challenges the status quo and whether the innovation raises the bar on safety.

Submissions will be accepted until April 15 and winners will be announced in June. Individuals may nominate themselves, other individuals or companies/organizations. There is no fee to enter.

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