Wireless vendors partner to tackle enterprise

Two wireless technology specialists forged deals Monday, attempting to push access to some core business applications closer to mobile workers.iAnywhere Solutions Inc., a subsidiary of database vendor Sybase Inc., announced a partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) LLP to jointly develop and market wireless applications built around software from Germany's SAP AG.iAnywhere brings to the table its m-Business platform, which includes a wireless server and SQL Anywhere Studio. The company said it has worked with SAP applications before, creating the TimeTracker for SAP R/3 applications for mobile time tracking on Palm Inc.-based handheld computers.

The two companies want to provide wireless data access for sales and field workers in the automotive, engineering, transportation, retail and utilities markets by adding automation and mobility features to the SAP applications. By giving workers access to applications on the road, iAnywhere and PwC said they can help clients improve productivity and reduce administrative costs.

Infowave Software Inc. and Novatel Wireless Inc., meanwhile, announced a similar partnership to codevelop systems that provide employees with wireless access to business applications behind a corporate firewall.

Novatel makes wireless modems for handheld computers including Palm-based devices and handhelds that use Microsoft Corp.'s Pocket PC software, including Compaq Computer Corp.'s iPaq. Infowave looks to compliment this hardware with a series of applications built around its Wireless Business Engine, which is designed to connect devices with applications like Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Development Corp.'s Domino.

The companies will work to add stronger security to wireless services and reduce some of the headaches businesses face when making sure hardware and software are compatible for wireless operations, the companies said in a statement.

PwC can be contacted at +1-212-597-3737, or via the Web at http://www.PwCglobal.com. Infowave, based in Bothell, Washington, can be reached at +1-425-806-3100 or http://www.infowave.com/. Novatel, based in San Diego, California, is at +1-888-262-9172 or http://www.novatelwireless.com/. Sybase, based in Emeryville, California, can be reached at +1-510-922-3500 or found on the Web at http://www.sybase.com/.

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More about Business EngineCompaqCompaqiAnywhereiAnywhere SolutionsInfowaveInfowave SoftwareMicrosoftNovatelNovatel WirelessPricewaterhouseCoopersPricewaterhouseCoopersPricewaterhouseCoopersSAP AustraliaSybase AustraliaTransportation

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