Stories by Tim Greene

Interop: 12 killer (and free) tools for network engineers

Visibility is key to troubleshooting network woes, but getting such access can be expensive. To help out, a veteran networking pro shared with attendees of the big Interop conference in Las Vegas his list of a dozen mostly free “killer” tools.

Trend Micro: 6 most popular homebrewed terrorist tools

Terrorists are developing and distributing encryption tools that protect privacy of their communications, and other apps that include a news-feed compiler and DDoS attack software, according to a Trend Micro report.

Interop at 30: New technology, new missions

The Interop conference convening this week will be a far cry from the gathering of a small group of technology pioneers who sought interoperability among Internet devices 30 years ago.

US Senators release official draft of encryption legislation

The first proposed draft US federal encryption legislation has been released, and had it been established law earlier this year Apple would have had to provide the help the FBI asked for in accessing encrypted data on the iPhone used by a terrorist in San Bernardino.

Power Shell is a powerful malware tool

PowerShell used as a tool in compound malware attacks is becoming more common, with 38% of all attacks seen by CarbonBlack and its partners involving the native Windows scripting language.

Startup analyzes behavior to stop malware threats

Startup Seceon has joined a growing number of firms focused on quickly analyzing behaviors on corporate network to identify and prioritize threats that ought to be dealt with, cutting down on the manual work required to spot and stop attacks.

Expert: Comprehensive software security for cars will take years

Software security for automobiles is improving but it will take another three or four years until car manufacturers can put overarching security architecture in place, says Stefan Savage, the winner of the 2015 ACM-Infosys Foundation Award in the Computing Sciences.
