Stories by By Mathias Thurman

The WannaCry scramble

A widespread ransomware attack propagating as a worm was a legitimate cause of alarm.

Getting buy-in to combat risk

A risk council with stakeholders from across the company could be an effective way to get needed resources to mitigate the worst security risks.

Just a test? If only!

The DDoS attack against DNS provider Dyn finds our manager without a backup plan. That’s painful, especially when the plan had been to test incident response soon.

A nudge from ransomware

Our manager needs to get remote users’ PCs backed up without forcing them to connect to the network, which they rarely have to do these days to do their jobs.

Let the budget games begin!

Even when top management is enlightened about the importance of good security practices, a security manager needs to go into the budget meeting prepared.

The post-acquisition blues

The company calls in our manager to take a look around at a small software company it’s acquiring — after the deal has been signed.

Stop Passing Around Those Passwords!

The company has sanctioned the use of an online password vault, so why is there a spreadsheet making the rounds that contains scores of passwords to servers that contain sensitive data?
