Stories by John Fontana

Microsoft Tool Eases Site Server Configuration

Microsoft Corp. has released a free utility designed to help network professionals automatically and optimally configure the recently released Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0 package.

Bug Knocks Active Directory for a Loop

Users have uncovered a bug in Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 2000 operating system that could leave them without the ability to access or manage Active Directory.

Skills shortage drives e-mail outsourcing growth

Outsourcing of corporate messaging services appears to be picking up steam, but few companies are committing their entire infrastructure to outsourcing, according to a new survey. A study by Creative Networks in the US shows outsourcing of e-mail services among the companies that make up the elite Fortune 500 and Forbes 100 list is up nearly 14 per cent in the first quarter of this year compared to the last two quarters of 1999.

Microsoft Found Guilty of Antitrust Violations

Microsoft Corp. was found guilty of violating two sections of the Sherman antitrust act and held liable for violating the antitrust laws in nineteen U.S. states, in an opinion filed by Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson today.

Web Software Caters to Project Teams

Netmosphere Inc. next week will release a Web-based collaboration software suite designed to let department-level enterprise users quickly take projects online.

Novell GroupWise Goes Wireless

In support of its strategy to create a universal network with a range of connectivity choices, Novell Inc. is adding wireless support to its GroupWise messaging server.

Lotus Moves Replication Beyond Notes

Lotus next month will release the first two of four components that will finally expose Notes replication to non-Notes clients and let those clients use Domino-based applications offline.

Microsoft's spending spree signals move to software services

Microsoft has been on an investment binge of more than $US5.5 million a day since January, collecting the bandwidth, vendors and Web services it will need to transform itself from a provider of packaged software to a supplier of Web-based software services.

Microsoft, Andersen Unite on Consulting Venture

Microsoft Corp. this week made its most significant leap into the consulting services business by forming a $1 billion joint venture with Andersen Consulting Inc. designed to help enterprise customers build e-commerce systems on Windows 2000.

Microsoft Directory Tool Has Limits

Microsoft Corp. has released a promised directory migration tool, but large companies will need something extra to complete the move to Active Directory in Windows 2000.

Microsoft Exec Sketches Future for Win 2000

Microsoft Corp. last month released three versions of Windows 2000, "the most important product in our history" according to founder Bill Gates. Now, the company is working on the fourth and final version of the operating system called DataCenter, which will be the high-end server for handling transactions. Microsoft also is working on the first service pack for Win 2000 and is preparing to help IT executives migrate to Active Directory. Network World Senior Editor John Fontana recently sat down with Brian Valentine, senior vice president of Microsoft's Windows Division, to discuss future plans.
