Stories by Michael Cooney

The IBM-Red Hat deal: what it means for enterprises

IBM hopes the acquisition of Red Hat will give its customers the tools to expand their use of cloud by creating and deploying cloud-friendly applications on a larger scale, a goal shared by IBM competitors Google, Amazon and Microsoft.

Gartner: Digital business projects in a quagmire? Hack your culture!

If you are a CIO or business leader and you are having trouble moving forward on a new or existing digital business project you should hack your current IT culture to get things moving.
That was but one of the key messages from Gartner analysts as they kicked off Symposium/IT Expo the consulting firm’s annual strategyfest that this year gathers over 9,000 CIOs and IT professionals for a look at the possible future of manifold technologies and trends.

Juniper CEO Rahim talks network, security and multicloud trends

Juniper made a big bet on 400G Ethernet this summer, detailing how it plans to transition its wide-area network, data center and enterprise portfolio to 400G Ethernet. And earlier this year, Juniper released its Contrail Enterprise Multicloud software, an SDN controller that is the central component of its multicloud, intent-based networking strategy. Ahead of its NXTWORK summit next week, Juniper CEO Rami Rahim talked with Network World’s Michael Cooney.

Cisco Webex outage: Collaboration service finding a lumpy recovery

A Webex post today (October 4) shows some problems such as poor performance are persisting: “Engineering continues to work on the engineering tasks to address the remaining open items. Some Webex Teams users are still experiencing inconsistent results with some user spaces.
