BYOD - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • Best IT resolutions for 2013

    It's that time of year when IT executives' thoughts turn to setting resolutions for the new year. We've talked to CIOs, IT analysts and other industry experts about the major trends for 2013 to come up with our own list of suggested IT resolutions.

  • Enterprise security testing: What are you missing?

    For all the advances in enterprise networking over the years there's been one big step backward: security testing. Relatively few enterprises today conduct regular security tests in-house, relying instead on occasional tests by outside consultants or, more dangerously, just taking vendor claims at face value.

  • Get ahead of the BYOD wave

    Why fight employees' constant barrage of bringing in their own devices. We are far past that point, it is time to accept it and find a way to make it BYOD work within the confines of your network.

  • BYO is a challenge but worth it in the long run: DiData CIO

    Supporting staff who want to bring their own devices and applications to work may be a pain for many CIOs, but the business benefits make implementing a program worth the time and effort, according to Dimension Data's CIO Ian Jansen.

  • Emerging economies keen for BYOD: study

    Workers in developing, fast-growth economies are more likely to use their personal mobile devices to access corporate information than their counterparts in mature countries, according to a new study.

  • Zenprise appoints A/NZ country manager

    US mobile device management (MDM) company Zenprise has appointed Melbourne-based John Martens as Australia and New Zealand country manager following its expansion into the region in October 2012.

  • Opinion: 'Bring your own services' is the next big thing not to worry about

    CIOs often complain that the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) movement is undermining their ability to keep their infrastructure and data secure. Every employee who comes to work with his or her smartphone or tablet and pulls up sales reports, help tickets and other corporate data creates a small hole in the armor companies have spent billions to build. Over time, the argument goes, the holes become a dangerous sieve.

  • The renaissance IT professional

    As technologies evolve, so must the skill sets of IT professionals. The IT department of the future will look dramatically different -- perhaps smaller -- and definitely with new capabilities.

  • Key to BYOD isn't multiple devices, but single user experience

    According to recent reports, the average business traveler carries three mobile devices for work and 25% of IT decision makers believe desk phones will be replaced by mobile phones within two years. The data points to an increasingly mobile workforce, one that expects a single user experience for accessing unified communications (UC) applications and services across all their preferred devices -- whether it is an employer-issued smartphone or an employee's BYOD tablet device.
