When the Work Day Ends

FRAMINGHAM (04/03/2000) - What does a CEO at USinternetworking Inc., one of the fastest growing ASPs, do outside the office? Here's a glimpse at Chris McCleary's private side.

NW: What's the last book you've read?

McCleary: "The Fifties" by David Halberstam. It tracks how life was different, including politics, business, social structure.

NW: What about fiction?

McCleary: Frankly, I haven't read a fiction book in the last 20 years because the non-fiction is so good.

NW: What Web site do you use most often?

McCleary: My Yahoo! I can see where the market cap is and set up my preferences.

NW: What about for e-commerce?

McCleary: I like J.Crew because you can order khakis with an inch and a 1/4 cuff and they ship them in three days. That's pretty good.

NW: There's a lot of basketball paraphernalia around your office, do you play or are you just a fan?

McCleary: I'm a big Kentucky fan. I watch a lot of basketball and play just a little bit around the neighborhood.

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