AT&T, BellSouth business lines pass Y2K tests

AT&T and BellSouth successfully tested private business lines for year 2000 (Y2K) compliance, according to a statement from the companies.

The companies moved the clocks in their laboratories forward to test the private lines, such as T1 service, AT&T and BellSouth said. Critical dates tested included September 9, 1999, and the rollover from December 31, 1999 to January 1, 2000.

Airlines, university campuses, financial institutions and gas companies are among the businesses that use private lines, AT&T and BellSouth said. For example, banks use private lines for ATMs, and other companies use the lines for their call centres, the companies said.

Earlier this year, AT&T and BellSouth successfully conducted about 500 tests on the public switched telephone network.

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