'Cliffs Notes' for business tasks now on mobile devices

EduCel's Willitfly.com now provides its 1,200 business tutorials to mobile devices

Need quick help on hammering out a marketing plan, making a cold call or disciplining an employee? Now you can check your cell phone for expert advice on how best to complete the task.

EduCel this week brought out a new mobile interface for its Willitfly.com Web site, which provides more than 1,200 tutorials on common business tasks in nine categories including accounting, finance, human resources and marketing.

The goal of the site, according to EduCel, is to provide users with expert information on setting product pricing, hiring and firing employees, contingency planning, breaking an office lease and other corporate tasks without forcing them to sift through mountains of documents or multiple Web sites.

"It's all about the utility of knowledge," said Evan Berglund, CEO of EduCel and Willitfly.com in a statement. "High stakes negotiations, a thorny audit or disciplining an employee - whatever important business tasks our users are involved in, wherever they might be, the mobile interface at Willitfly now makes it easier to get the upper hand."

The Willitfly site, which was launched in June, has 7,200 questions designed to help ascertain what the user needs to learn and 1,250 educational briefings on several subjects, such as accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, insurance, legal issues, marketing, operations and products.

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