VMware to get hypervisor certified by Microsoft

VMware has joined Microsoft's Server Virtualization Validation Program.

Virtualization competitors VMware and Microsoft have found common ground in a deal that will let customers receive technical support for Microsoft applications running on servers virtualized with VMware's hypervisor.

There doesn't seem to be any official announcement, but a Microsoft spokeswoman said Tuesday that VMware has joined Microsoft's Server Virtualization Validation Program. This means that VMware will try to get its hypervisor certified by Microsoft, and once that happens Microsoft will offer technical support for Microsoft applications running on VMware servers. It's not clear when those support plans would become available.

Previously this week, Microsoft told Network World that VMware had been invited to the validation program but had not joined. VMware apparently changed its mind Monday afternoon. Hypervisor vendors already in the Microsoft program include Cisco, Citrix, Novell, Sun, and Virtual Iron.

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