Facebook co-founder to form own software startup

Dustin Moskowitz is leaving Facebook to form a software start-up venture with high-profile Facebook engineer and former Google employee Justin Rosenstein.

Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskowitz is leaving the company to found a software start-up, and is taking high-profile Facebook engineer Justin Rosenstein with him.

Valleywag is reporting that CEO Mark Zuckerberg has already notified Facebook employees of this turn of events.

The move is to be an amicable one, and Zuckerberg will continue to seek advice from Moskowitz about the future of Facebook.

Both former employees also had nothing but praise for Facebook, with Rosenstein posting on his blog that the site has changed the world for the better.

Rosenstein left Google in 2007 to join Facebook, and was the first of several employees the latter has poached from the former.

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