Toshiba's Cell TV Ups the HD Ante

Toshiba's new super-resolution Cell TV features four times the resolution as typical 1080p sets.

Today, 1080p is the top of the line for HDTVs, but it certainly isn't as high as high-definition can go. Toshiba's new super-resolution Cell TV features four times the resolution as typical 1080p sets.

With a maximum resolution of 3840-by-2160 (so-called Quad-HD or "2k-by-4k") and a 55-inch display panel, the Toshiba Cell TV uses an integrated Cell processor to upscale current HDTV picture to fill the full display. The Cell TV, which is on display at CES, leverages Toshiba's Resolution+ technology, which Toshiba says will take lower-quality video content and upscale it in such a way that it appears crisper and clearer than when done with traditional upscaling technologies.

The Cell TV uses LED backlighting, which is more energy efficient than traditional fluorescent backlighting. The LED backlight also supports local dimming, which dims the backlight in dark areas of the scene, resulting in higher contrast and further reducing energy use.

When can you get your hands on one of these? While Quad HD broadcasts may be a way off still, Toshiba will begin shipping the Cell TV in Japan during the third quarter of this year. It should hit the US market at some time in 2010, so start saving your pennies.

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