Acquisition unites risk and compliance competitors

Archer Technologies acquires Brabeion Software, a maker of IT governance, risk and compliance software.

Archer Technologies announced it had acquired for an undisclosed sum Brabeion Software, a maker of IT governance, risk and compliance software.

Archer formerly competed with Brabeion in the GRC software market and company executives said in a statement Archer will incorporate Brabeion's technology into its own. Archer's SmartSuite Framework helps customers manage policies, assets, threats and more while ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

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"By acquiring another IT-GRC leader, Archer will further accelerate our market penetration and leadership. ... There is a growing and undeniable need for [enterprise] GRC solutions among the Fortune 1000," says Jon Darbyshire, Archer president and CEO.

Archer will integrate Brabeion's content library with its Policy Management product to expand Archer's offerings to include more than 130 compliance baselines and controls. Brabeion, founded in 2005, commercialized a software platform developed at PricewaterhouseCoopers around 2000. The technology, dubbed Enterprise Security Architecture System (ESAS) at PricewaterhouseCoopers, was originally designed to let large companies create information security programs by unifying security efforts through policies and controls, rather than just technology, Brabeion executives have said.

Archer will also bring 12 of the Forbes 350 clients into its installed base of customers. Existing Brabeion clients will be offered an upgrade to Archer products that will provide support for existing Brabeion features and expanded capabilities.

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