UK teens spend two hours a week watching web porn

Spending as much time looking at pornography as they do watching videos on Google's YouTube

UK teenagers spend around two hours a week watching porn online, says Cyber Sentinel.

Resarch by the parental-control software company revealed that in total young Britons spend 31 hours a week surfing the web, spending as much time looking at pornography as they do watching videos on Google's YouTube.

Those surveyed also admitted to spending three-and-a-half hours a week instant messaging their friends and spending over an hour researching weight-loss methods and cosmetic surgery procedures online.

A quarter of UK teens also said they talk to strangers online but believe it's a harmless activity, while one third admitted to hiding their online activities from their parents.

"The alarming thing about this research is that it shows that teenagers are obviously exploring all sorts of topics as a result of modern-day pressures," said Ellie Puddle, marketing director of Cyber Sentinel.

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