ComOps wins safety and risk management software contract

Construction giant Watpac consolidates reporting systems in new deal.

Australian Business software and services company ComOps has won a contract with construction giant Watpac to deploy its safety and risk management software across Watpac's operations in the next three months.

Watpac facilitates large-scale construction projects such as Queensland’s Suncorp Stadium and the redevelopment of Sydney’s Olympic Park site, employing 750 permanent staff across the country and thousands of sub-contractors.

Martin Monro, national general manager of construction for Watpac, said that a recent restructure aimed to bolster national construction operations had led to acquisitions of firms with disparate, autonomous reporting systems.

“While the existing safety reporting systems were appropriate for the previously existing businesses, we wanted to standardise safety reporting across the entire organisation to effectively scale with our growth," he said. "We had reached a point where we needed to consolidate out safety reporting into one seamless system across all states.”

ComOps’ Safety Health and Environment (SHE) software has been designed by Australian Workplace Software to automate health and safety risk management across zones where legislation may vary.

“SHE will help engrain a consistent and failsafe reporting system which will enable us to visualise the risks we deal with on a day-to-day basis in real-time. It will help shape and nurture discipline and provide a common reference point in terms of safety performance across the business,” Monro said.

Watpac’s current projects include construction of a data centre for Woolworths Limited at Eastern Creek in New South Wales and RMIT University’s new Design Hub in Melbourne.

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Tags risk managementsoftwareconstruction

More about Comops AustraliaCreekMITRMITSuncorp GroupWoolworths

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