May 4 named as 'Day against DRM'

'DRM is a disaster for legitimate uses of media'

Tuesday May 4 has been named as this year's Day against Digital Rights Management (DRM) by the President of the Free Software Foundation.

DRM is a technology used with digital files that are copyrighted to ensure than can not be copied to other devices.

Richard Stallman said the day was designed "to raise public awareness to the danger of technology that restricts users' access to movies, music, literature and software; indeed, all forms of digital data".

"Its [DRM] means is to force you to use proprietary software, which means you don't control what it does. When companies organise to design products to restrict us, we have to organise to defeat them."

The initiative has been backed by the Open Rights Group.

"DRM is a disaster for legitimate uses of music, film and books. They are designed to lock people into specific software and devices, destroying your rights to free speech uses like criticism, education and review. DRM means you lose control, and are at the mercy of vendors," said executive director Jim Killock.

The FSF said it will announce the events that will take place on May 4 along with further supporters in the near future.

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