Nintendo product news coming in Sept., 3DS details likely

Launch details for the 3DS could be coming in late September.

Nintendo will announce details of a new product on Sept. 29, it said Thursday. The tight-lipped company wouldn't provide any more details, but with its 3DS handheld due to be launched in the coming months the chances are high it will be detailing launch and price details for the highly-anticipated product.

Nintendo has made major product announcements around late September in previous years. In 2009 it was plans for Japanese launch of the DS LL, in 2008 it was the DS-i, and in 2006 it was the Wii.

The 3DS was first announced in March this year as the next model in the DS series. The dual-screen gaming device was first launched in 2004 and the upcoming 3DS will be the first in the family to feature a display that provides the illusion of 3D.

The 3D screen on the handheld has a filter in front of the display panel that splits the on-screen image and sends a slightly different image towards the user's right and left eyes. With the filter on the screen, the user isn't required to wear 3D glasses.

Development of the 3DS is at an advanced stage and working prototypes of the device were recently shown at the E3 gaming show in Los Angeles. They received positive reviews from many who had a chance to try them out.

News of the upcoming announcement came shortly after Kyoto-based Nintendo reported financial results for the April to June period.

The company said sales of the DS had dropped by almost half because of a lack of new software titles.

Nintendo is hoping the 3DS and a new range of 3D-capable games will capture the imagination of gamers and drive sales of the handheld in the future.

Martyn Williams covers Japan and general technology breaking news for The IDG News Service. Follow Martyn on Twitter at @martyn_williams. Martyn's e-mail address is

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