Red Hat Linux now available for IBM S/390 mainframes

Two months after releasing the latest version 7.2 of its popular Red Hat Linux operating system software, Red Hat Inc. yesterday announced the availability of Red Hat Linux for the IBM Corp. S/390 mainframe.

The latest version is optimized for IBM's S/390 Parallel Enterprise (G5 and G6) and Multiprise 3000 servers, but it can also run on IBM's zSeries 900 servers. Major features include the latest 2.4.9 Linux kernel, the GNU compiler collection 2.95.3, the GNU library version 2.2.4, the latest ext3 journaling file system, and support for large files, including software RAID for combining direct access storage devices.

Also included is software support and professional consulting, integration, training and engineering services.

Pricing starts at US$20,000 per CPU for a base version, and $50,000 per CPU for a premium version. All versions have a one-time $10,000 installation and set-up fee. The new software is available now, according to Research Triangle Park, N.C.-based Red Hat.

The new version means that the company now has Linux versions for everything from handheld devices to the largest enterprise mainframes. Red Hat had earlier announced its delivery of open-source software, services and support for IBM's entire eServer product line.

"With the release of Red Hat Linux for S/390, Red Hat is able to fully extend its reach from embedded to mainframe," said CEO Matthew Szulik, in a statement.

In August, Red Hat released its first Linux e-commerce application suite.

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