Ex-diggers return to civvy street eased with website support

Two online resources addressing battle fatigue, financial issues released this week

Australian soliders adjusting back to civilian life after serving in combat zones around the world have received greater access to online services following the launch of two pilot websites.

The sites, Wellbeing Toolbox and Touchbase, have been developed for recently discharged soliders, veterans, families and friends to help manage problems such as battle fatigue.

Minister for veterans’ affairs and minister for defence science and personnel, Warren Snowdon, said in a statement that it was important that soldiers and their families received online assistance.

The Wellbeing Toolbox has educational material on problem solving, building support, as well as ways to reduce stress and aid sleep. The site was developed with help from the Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health.

The Touchbase website, developed by the Department of Defence and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, provides information on areas such as returning to the civilian workforce and managing finances.

Users also have the opportunity to keep in touch with other veterans, family and friends using an online community called Find Your Mates.

“These websites are being piloted and I would encourage any current transitioning or recently discharged service personnel using the sites to provide feedback on how we can continue to improve the information and support provided during such a crucial time in a serving member’s life,” Snowdon said.

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Tags department of defenceDepartment of Veterans’ AffairsWellbeing Toolbox and Touchbase

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