Sharp's Android smartphone will go global

After launching three Android smartphones for Japan, Sharp is readying a similar smartphone for the rest of the world

Sharp is preparing to launch a new Aquos smartphone in markets around the world, it said Friday.

Earlier this month, it launched three versions of the Aquos Phone in Japan. All three run the Android operating system.

One is a clamshell design and includes a 16-megapixel camera, a screen for 3D content, and a mobile digital TV tuner.

The other two have large screens that take up the entire front of the device -- a 3.7-inch display on one and a 4.2-inch display on the other.

They include a couple of features to integrate into a networked living room: An HDMI connector on the phones allow them to be hooked up to high-def televisions, and support for the DLNA consumer electronics networking standard means they will be able to stream content from other HDMI-compatible devices such as computers or Blu-ray Disc players.

Sharp is a mainstay of the Japanese cell phone market but has had limited success outside Japan, where it's better known for its televisions and consumer electronics products.

It hasn't announced details, launch countries or launch dates for its planned non-Japanese model beyond saying it will be available in China. A Sharp spokeswoman said the company does plan to launch it in other markets around the world.

Martyn Williams covers Japan and general technology breaking news for The IDG News Service. Follow Martyn on Twitter at @martyn_williams. Martyn's e-mail address is

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