, Dun & Bradstreet launch

The partnership expands's business of selling up-to-date corporate contact information is joining forces with Dun & Bradstreet on, a cloud-based storehouse of company and customer contact information for use in CRM (customer relationship management) systems, the companies said Wednesday. builds on's earlier acquisition of contact provider Jigsaw in 2009. Jigsaw uses a crowd-sourcing model to collect up-to-date information, with users of the service contributing data and helping keep records clean of errors.

Accurate contact information is crucial to the salespeople and sales managers that use CRM software as they attempt to secure new business leads as well as reconnect with past customers.

The Dun & Bradstreet partnership will provide users with access to 200 million businesses, according to a statement. That information will "seamlessly integrate" with the Jigsaw contact data and be accessible from within's on-demand CRM application. users will also be able to slice-and-dice data to target specific markets, making for more effective sales campaigns, said.

The Dun & Bradstreet information will be available later this year. No pricing information was disclosed on Wednesday.

This is only the first in a series of similar partnerships to come, according to Other contact-information providers include ZoomInfo, Hoover's and Spoke. ties into's broader strategy of late, "the social enterprise," which is based on the notion of products and services companies can use to build closer relationships with their customers as well as help internal teams work more effectively. had already integrated Jigsaw with Chatter, its social collaboration platform, allowing users to see changes to contact data in real time. CEO Marc Benioff is expected to discuss the company's strategy further during a keynote address Wednesday at the Dreamforce conference in San Francisco.

Chris Kanaracus covers enterprise software and general technology breaking news for The IDG News Service. Chris's e-mail address is

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Tags cloud computinginternetbusiness issuesSalesforce.comsoftwareapplicationsCustomer Relationship ManagementDun & BradstreetDREAMFORCE

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