IIA once again seeking CEO after shock resignation

Incoming CEO resigns, leaves leadership team in tatters

The Internet Industry Association (IIA) is once again seeking a CEO after Steve Burrell announced his resignation days before he was due to commence work.

Citing “personal reasons” as the cause of his resignation, Burrell leaves the association’s management team once again without a CEO.

In a statement on the association's website, IIA chairperson, Bruce Linn, said the vacancy would likely be filled “in the near future” by a candidate who was previously shortlisted for the role.

Reassuring the public that the industry body would still be able to perform its duties while searching for a new CEO, Linn said the management shake-up wouldn’t hold the organisation back.

“In the meantime the IIA will continue the momentum of being the voice of internet-based industries,” he said.

“We will continue to work closely with government to develop robust policies covering areas such as cyber-safety, and making the internet a place where both consumers and businesses can conduct transactions with confidence.”

Burnell was selected as CEO in June this year and was due to commence work on 12 September.

The association’s former CEO, Peter Coroneos, retired on 30 June after a 13 year stint with the organisation.

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Tags it services industryInternet Industry Association (IIA)IIA Peter CoroneosBruce LinnSteve Burrell

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