Harvey Norman targets online customers

The retailer will use software by Lyris to better understand customer behaviour.

Harvey Norman is focusing on better understanding its online customers through the use of Lyris’ digital marketing software.

The retailer wants to better understand customer behaviours, such as why customers abandon their shopping carts, to increase online conversions and generate leads for its 180 retail stores in Australia.

In addition, Harvey Norman will use the software for big data analysis, capturing “customer interactive data from a vast variety of structured and unstructured sources, including social, email, mobile and hundreds of enterprise applications...,” Lyris said.

"In retail we are constantly trying to reach customers with relevant, timely and valuable information," said Dan Hosford, digital marketing director at Harvey Norman’s internal ad agency.

"It made perfect sense for us to build out our digital marketing program with a respected technology company like Lyris,” he said. “We have been very impressed with the team's professionalism, the rapid and seamless implementation, and the capabilities of the platform to manage the scale of our digital marketing programs.”

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Tags retailHarvey Normandigital marketingbehavioural advertisingLyriscustomer behavior

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