Sony signs Macquarie Telecom for mobility and networking

ANZ division of Sony combines five networks into one

Sony Australia has reduced monthly mobile costs by 50 per cent and consolidated five networks after tapping Macquarie Telecom for mobile and data network services across its Australia and New Zealand fleet.

Sony Australia will also host hybrid infrastructure in Macquarie’s Tier 3-certified Intellicentre 2, including two co-location rack and a virtual data centre environment, the companies announced today.

While the companies have worked together for six years, the deal makes Macquarie the sole telecom vendor for Sony Australia.

“We were in need of more flexibility and choice to support our broader Asia-Pacific IT requirements in an optimal way,” said David Cooley, infrastructure and operations manager for Sony Australia and New Zealand.

“Not only did we lack basic visibility or responsiveness over our network and routers—any network changes, even urgent ones, had to go through Japan—but we also had to manage a siloed billing process which meant IT personnel were spending up to three days manually processing data and network costs.”

Under the deal, Macquarie has provided carrier switching and oversight for Sony’s mobile fleet, as well as real-time control over network costs and utilisation. A tariff-based pricing model has reduced time and costs of billing, allowing Sony to focus on consolidating five networks under a single managed service, the companies said.

Macquarie also provided advice on consolidating Sony’s voice networks to Macquarie’s SIP network, a move expected to halve Sony’s current line rental costs, the companies said.

“Not only have we streamlined our disparate networks and their costs under the one umbrella, but we’ve also enabled multi-carrier availability over each of our six New Zealand operating locations, ensuring continuous uptime for our critical operations,” said Cooley.

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Tags mobileNetworkingTelcosony australiamacquarie telecom

More about Macquarie TelecomSonyTier 3

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