NBN Co review expected to surface tomorrow

Anticipated release to occur 10 days after submission of draft

The 60-day strategic review of the NBN will be released tomorrow, according to a spokesman for Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The document, which is meant to analyse the progress and cost of the NBN rollout and NBN Co’s financial and operational status, is expected to include redactions based on legal and commercial considerations.

Turnbull announced the review in October.

The release of the report will happen three days after the date required by a Senate motion by Senator Scott Ludlam.

At a hearing late last month, NBN Co CEO Ziggy Switkowski indicated that the report was likely to conclude that the NBN should move to a fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) approach that would rely on existing copper networks for the last mile to the home. The existing plan crafted by Labor takes a fibre-to-the-premise (FTTP) approach, requiring fibre all the way to the home.

Since December 2, when the draft review was submitted to Turnbull, the communications minister has provided feedback and the NBN Co has made some “clarifications” to the document, NBN Co head of corporate and commercial, Kevin Brown, told the Senate Select Committee on the National Broadband Network at a hearing this morning.

However, he described the edits as not being major changes to the draft.

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