Queensland Police arrest man for allegedly hacking US gaming developer site

The 21-year-old man was charged with hacking and fraud offences

A 21-year-old man alleged to have hacked a United States-based online gaming developer’s computer network has been arrested in Poona, Queensland by the Queensland Police Fraud and Cyber Crime Group.

The alleged offences include hacking the US company’s computer network and accessing databases. The man is also said to be responsible for hacking the company’s Twitter account and posting screenshots of the data he took from the network.

In addition, the man is alleged to have established a website offering a paid service that allowed people to search the company’s player database.

Queensland Police Fraud and Cyber Crime Group have charged the man with three counts of computer hacking/misuse and five counts of fraud, including dishonestly obtaining property from another person or company.

He is due to appear in the Maryborough Magistrates Court on 8 April, 2014.

The charges follow a search of the man’s property in November 2013, where police seized laptops and a hard drive for forensic examination. Police also received assistance from the FBI and the US gaming company.

Queensland Police has been contacted for more information by Computerworld Australia.

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