Job Titles: Federal Government

SAN MATEO (04/18/2000) - With the booming economy bringing in record tax revenue, a federal government career looks like a safe bet. Still, government IT workers make less money than their private-sector counterparts, but on average, they work fewer hours.

Industry statistics

Gross Domestic Product:

$8.11 trillion, national total

$324.9 million, federal government sectorIT Salaries and numbersAverage IT salary:

$69,491 national average

$58,045 government average

Most common bonuses:

Annual personal performance

Profit sharing

Completion of major project

Average length of IT professionals' experience in the industry: 8.5 yearsAverage weekly IT hours worked:

48.4 hours, national average

45.0 hours, government industry average

Percent of IT professionals in the industry who are on call:

63.4%, national average

54.5%, government industry average

Top motivation factors for IT professionals in the industry:

Compensation (including benefits)

Satisfaction of helping the organizationWorking with cutting-edge technologyLevel of education in the industry:

Associate's degree - 13.9%

Bachelor's degree - 44.1%

Master's degree - 30.9%

Web resources

FedWorld Information Network - www.fedworld.govThis site serves as an all-encompassing portal for federal government information. Visitors can browse federal job databases, search government documents, or explore links to government agencies and commissions.

USA Jobs -

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management maintains the federal government's official site for jobs and employment information. Current job openings can be searched by category and geographical area.

National Technical Information Service - www.ntis.govBilling itself as "The Central Resource for Government Information," this site contains a massive array of scientific, technical, engineering, and business information.


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