
Think like a criminal, but talk like an executive

Security Conference 2010 attendees told to think like an offender, speak like a businessman

It's an old concept among law enforcement types, but security professionals were given a rev up in Sydney this week to think like an offender.

Talking at the Security 2010 conference at the Sydney Convention Centre, Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International director, Professor Martin Gill, also advised the audience to learn how to articulate the business value of security.

Referencing research done with the Security Research Initiative along with interviews with criminals in prisons, Martin said some armed robbers only chose banks that had CCTV and other digital security systems.

That's becuase they saw the system as diminishing the attention of staff.

"The thing they were most worried about were over enthusiastic members of staff," he said, while adding they could cope with everything else.

However, Martin wasn't saying security screens aren't good, but that security professionals need to think about how offenders think.

They also need to show the positives to the business, such as with CCTV - when suspects are presented with a good quality image they were more likely to admit guilt then draw out an expenisve interview.

The researcher added that as security is the "grudge purchase" across the world, the industry needed to present the value and learn how to articulate benefits to the profit and loss statement.

"Let's be absolutely clear, one of the criticsims of the security world is it doesn't act business-like," he said.