
The ACCAN appoints new CEO

Teresa Corbin steps up from acting chief executive to take the reins

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) has announced the appointment of a new chief executive, Teresa Corbin.

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Corbin, who has been the group’s acting CEO for the past year, will move into the role immediately, taking over from the ACCAN’s previous CEO, Allan Asher.

ACCAN chairperson, Sue Salthouse, said Corbin would see the organisation into its next phase of advocating "accessible, available and affordable communications" for Australian consumers.

Corbin brings to the role 15 years' advocacy experience in the telecommunications sector and was previously CEO at the Consumers’ Telecommunications Network.

According to Corbin, ACCAN would seek to change the culture of poor customer service present in some sectors of the Australian communications industry.

“We need better industry practices and smarter regulation, so that customers come first and are given a fair go,” Corbin said in a statement. “We cannot afford to migrate the existing bad practices to the new era of the National Broadband Network.”

As reported by Computerworld Australia, the ACCAN recently called on Australian ISPs and telcos to lift customer service standards and that their consumer rules be overhauled.